With  100,000,000+ downloads, we have mastered the art of application development

Apps Can Help You Sell More

Step 1

Develop Your Course Whether initializing from the ground up or refining existing content, harness the capabilities of AppX's creator studio and expert guidance.

Step 2

Deploy Your Course Once content refinement is complete, deploy it seamlessly on your bespoke platform—retaining full control over design and ownership.


Monetize and Expand Execute strategic marketing initiatives to amplify course visibility! Benefit from our advanced marketing tools and capabilities for scalable growth.


Built for Every Device

We develop applications for various devices and operating systems. Be it IOS, Android or Windows.  Reach a wider audience and ensure your content is accessible anytime, anywhere


Secure File Management

Our secure platform allows you to support file downloads directly within your application. This approach prevents unauthorized access and piracy by restricting downloaded files to the application environment


Integrated Monetization Solutions

Maximize your earnings with our flexible monetization tools. Choose from subscriptions, pay-per-course, affiliate marketing and more. Our platform supports various features and provides analytics to optimize your revenue strategy


Offline Access

AppX enables users to access curated content even when offline, promoting uninterrupted learning experiences


Push Notifications

Deliver targeted notifications and updates to keep learners engaged and informed


In-application Support Page

Quick button for students to access guidance and troubleshoot any issues that may arise

Customize Your Application By Selecting What You Like

Step 1

Develop Your Course Whether initializing from the ground up or refining existing content, harness the capabilities of AppX's creator studio and expert guidance.

Step 2

Deploy Your Course Once content refinement is complete, deploy it seamlessly on your bespoke platform—retaining full control over design and ownership.


Monetize and Expand Execute strategic marketing initiatives to amplify course visibility! Benefit from our advanced marketing tools and capabilities for scalable growth.

Modern UI/UX

Customizable interface with responsive design, adaptable to your brand and user preferences

Live Sessions

High-quality video streaming with chat and screen sharing for interactive learning


Create diverse assessments with both objective and subjective questions, timed tests and randomized question banks


Integrated system for selling, managing and delivering digital learning materials

Third-Party Integrations

Seamlessly connect with external services and tools to expand platform features and functionalities

Paid Calls

Schedule and manage paid consultation calls directly within the platform for personalized support

Affiliate Programs

Set up and manage affiliate programs with comprehensive tracking and automated payouts

Analytics Dashboard

Gain valuable insights into student progress and your earnings with a comprehensive data visualization dashboard

Social Media Integration

Connect and share content across major social media platforms for a vibrant online community


Host and manage your own podcasts with playlist creation and easy distribution tools

Multi-Lingual Support

Break down language barriers and reach a wider audience by offering your platform in multiple languages

Short-Form Video Integration

Incorporate and manage engaging short-form video content like YouTube Shorts to enhance learning experiences


Built-in blog system with easy content creation and publishing tools to establish yourself as an industry expert

Technical Support System

Get reliable support through multiple channels including ticketing, knowledge base and live chat

Push Notifications

Send as many push notifications as you want to keep your audience engaged

Why choose AppX to launch your course? 

The eLearning industry is poised to reach a market value of $325 billion by 2025, presenting abundant opportunities. With our extensive experience serving over 5000 creators, we've developed an end-to-end solution tailored to your needs. Notably, we pride ourselves on maintaining long-lasting client relationships.


Seamless Integration and Accessibility

Host your course on your own application with AppX, ensuring seamless access for your students from any device. Say goodbye to password hassles and cumbersome mobile browsers—our platform provides one-click accessibility that fosters student progress and enhances your reputation through stellar testimonials and referrals.


Flexibility to Suit Your Teaching Style

At AppX, we understand that every teacher has a unique teaching approach. Whether you prefer self-paced learning modules or active, instructor-led engagement, our platform gives you the flexibility to sell courses online in the way that best suits your style and objectives.


Enhanced Learning Experience

Go beyond traditional course delivery by engaging students with interactive elements such as quizzes, assignments, and multimedia. Encouraging active participation not only enriches the learning journey but also strengthens knowledge retention and overall student satisfaction.


Expert Support and Growth

Benefit from AppX's expert guidance and marketing capabilities to expand your reach and maximize course profitability. Tap into our proven strategies to boost student enrollment and engagement, ensuring your success in the competitive eLearning landscape.

Launch Your Branded Application Today!

Spend time on the work you love — not figuring out yet another piece of tech. That’s why AppX puts everything you need in one place. Get all the features you need to build an amazing application

Student Focused Courses

We offer students a dedicated portal where they can manage their courses, track their progress, and keep tabs on their subscription. Let them interact by sharing their screen with peers or exchange ideas using the discussion forum.

What else can you do with your course? 

1) Assess student performance with polls and quizzes.
2) Reward students with personalized completion certificates upon course completion.
3) Utilize auto-graded online tests for efficient assessment.
4) Gather valuable insights with polls and feedback systems.
5) Issue e-certificates with unique IDs to validate learners' achievements effectively.

Your Course, Your Way

Let your content shine by choosing the best medium for your message: text, images, videos, downloads, PDFs, audio, and presentations.

Track the Performance

Measure and rate your student’s progress with assignments, Auto generated quizzes, surveys, and exams.

Keep Your Content in Place

Include websites and embed content already hosted elsewhere online directly within your course.

Mobile Application

Get rid of any barriers and drive engagement with a mobile application that gives learners the flexibility to consume course content wherever and whenever is most convenient.


What services does AppX offer?

AppX provides Software as a Service (SaaS) solution for Creators, offering customized website and application development, maintenance and ongoing support

Do I need technical expertise to use AppX services?

No, you don't need prior technical experience. Our team of professionals will handle the creation, maintenance and customization of your website and app for you

How long does it take to create a website or application with AppX?

It takes 3-5 days to deliver your finished application and website

Can I request changes or updates to my website or app after it's live?

Absolutely! AppX offers ongoing support and our team is available to make updates, additions or changes to your website or application as needed

What kind of support is available after the website or app is launched?

AppX offers ongoing support to address any issues, answer questions and make updates or improvements as your business evolves. Our support team is dedicated to ensuring your continued success

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